Volunteer Information

All families with team level skaters (not intro to figure skating) are required to either volunteer or donate the equivalent value of their required hours. Volunteer hours are calculated based on a tiered system with higher level skaters having a larger required number of hours than introductory level skaters. Full details on total hours needed for the season will be given to families at the beginning of each season.
We do need as much volunteer help as we can get and there are many ways you can be of assistance. We require volunteer help at SSC events and fundraisers, as well as during our annual ice show rehearsals and shows. There are also weekly volunteer opportunities play music during club practices.
We understand that some families may not have the time available to volunteer. In the registration process, you do have the option to 'buy out' your volunteer hours. The cost to buy out your hours is $20 per hour. If you do not buy out your volunteer hours and do not complete the required hours, you will forfeit your season work deposit.